martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

DAKAR 2012 IN PERU - Warning!

DAKAR 2012 IN PERU -  Warning! Beware, destruction of archaeological rests hidden under Ica, Peru coastal desert sands may occur.

Dear all:

Greetings from Lima, Perú, the big news are in 2012 Dakar Rally ends in Peruvian territory.  Perhaps as Peruvian I would have to share the joy and happiness about this, but at the same time as Peruvian, adventure biker in my country and restless defender of our cultural heritage I must urgently call the attention of ALL AUTHORITIES IMPLIED to prevent and avoid any possible damage caused by the pass of the Dakar vehicles that may occur against the historic and cultural heritage laying on and under the sands of the Peruvian coastal desert, especially in the Ica region, where the desert between Nazca and Pisco is a huge archaeological deposit waiting to be discovered.  Buried under the sand lay temples and constructions like the ones discovered by archaeologist Julio C. tello under the Paracas dunes.

But I’m also speaking about the Geoglyphs that exist on the sandy hills of the Ica desert around the Ocucaje area and near Pozo Santo close to Pisco in southern Peru.  As seen from the information and maps displayed on the media and Dakar 2012 website the trace of the race pass just over the area hosting these invaluable archaeological deposits that at present days are not protected and with no signs except where the most famous sites exist like the Nazca Lines and Paracas as tourist attractions.  It is well known the vehicles on the Dakar Rally go cross country, the pilots drive their vehicles following the best way they find in front of them assisted with maps and GPS navigation devices.  The maps shown do not reveal the real route the vehicles will follow; we must be alert and make sure that no vehicle should pass over the Geoglyphs of Ica.

I know the location of Pozo Santo Geoglyphs as result of my exploration trips on bicycle and permanent research for new routes and destinations, but I keep the location secret to avoid any possible damage to the place caused by predators or not responsible people due the lack of signs and protective elements to define the area as restricted access. I would reveal not publicly the location to the ones with power to take decisions about this matter.  As far as I know the local Culture Ministry agency know about this matter however the Geoglyphs remain unprotected since many years ago.

Please spread the word about this matter to make possible this information to reach all the people and organizations implied to attend the case, including the Dakar 2012 organization, to avoid any possible damage to our cultural heritage.  From my side I’m doing my best and hope you help to protect the unknown Geoglyphs of Ica.  If it is necessary I will organize brigades of volunteers to go to the Geoglyphs site to stand around them to avoid their destruction by the pass of Dakar Rally vehicles.

This message has been sent by e-mail to several people and official organizations such as the Dakar 2012 Rally Organizers; Ica Regional Culture Directorate; Ica Regional Tourism Directorate; Culture Ministry: Heritage Defense Directorate, Archaeology Directorate; Peruvian Sports Institute which is on charge of the Peruvian counterpart for the Dakar organization; several local media, etc. however no response has been received yet and no information about any protective measure has been issued.

Below is the picture of the Ica Geoglyphs that are unprotected laying on the desert where the Dakar 2012 Rally vehicles would pass as seen on the Dakar 2012 route map.

Link to see the Geoglyphs picture on Internet

Link to see this document on Internet

Kind regards

Aníbal Paredes
Cicloturismo Perú - CTP

Teléfonos: 51 1  990 128 105    -    51 1  981 150 368   -   51 1  497 1660   -   51 1  720 8037
Nextel: 115*368   RPM: *530208

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